MLS Legal also offers trademark services. We take care of all steps leading up to the registration of a trademark, and can assist you with any litigation or contract relating to trademarks.
We have access to a vast network of foreign associates to serve your trademark protection needs internationally.

Our trademark services include :
- Smart management of your trademarks portfolio in Canada and internationally
- Availability searches and opinions
- Filing of applications for registration of trademarks and administrative procedures, including responses to oppositions and evidence of distinctive character
- Due diligence review of trademark portfolios and related agreements
- Compliance with the Nice International Classification
- Expungement proceedings (s. 45 notices)
- Opposition to the registration of third-party trademarks
- Appeal or judicial review of any decision of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)
- Assignment and trademark licenses, franchise agreements
- Litigation related to trademarks and unfair competition
- Supervision of international litigation for Canadian clients